Samarkand State Medical Institute invites medical students and young scientists to participate in the 75th scientific-practical conference "Modern Medicine and Pharmacy: new approaches and current research", which will be held on May 14, 2021 at the Samarkand State Medical Institute.
The grand opening of the conference will take place on May 14, 2021 at 10:00.
Scientific theses are accepted in the following areas:
- Modern achievements of fundamental medicine
- Current issues of clinical and preventive medicine (Current issues of clinical and preventive medicine)
- Pharmacy and Pharmacology.
Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference will be published in the Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterological Research free of charge.
Official languages of the conference: Uzbek, Russian, English.
Form of participation - full-time (presentation of the report), correspondence (publication of abstracts) and poster reports.
Materials for participation in the conference are accepted until April 20, 2021.
Abstracts should be sent to the e-mail address: conferencepharma75@gmail.com

We invite a medical-biological profile student to participate in the IV National Congress of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Immunoreabilitation.
The Congress will take place on May 19-21, 2021 in Online format (in connection with the introduction of COVIDs 19). Directly, the student session will take place on May 21 at 10:00. Deadline Registration Theses 10.05.21 at 23:59. Participation is free.
Details in an informational letter.

Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevsky Moz of Ukraine announces a competition for scientific works on the award of the name of Ivan Gorbachevsky
The prize is appointed by the scholars of TNMU for the development of the scientific potential of the university, increase its rating and popularization in Ukraine and abroad.
The works can be submitted in the following areas:
1) achievements in research activities on the problems of theoretical medicine and pharmacy;
2) achievements in research activities on clinical medicine and dentistry problems;
3) achievements in research activities on social and humanitarian disciplines.
The competition selection is carried out in accordance with the procedure for the appointment of the name of Ivan Gorbachevsky in the Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevsky MOH of Ukraine.
The deadline for submission of materials to participate in the competition - until May 15, 2021.

The Faculty of Chemistry of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv invites students, graduate students and young scientists to take part in the XXII International Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Modern Problems of Chemistry", which will be held on May 19-21, 2021.
The conference will include sections: analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry and chemistry of macromolecular compounds.
There is no registration fee for participation.
An electronic version of the collection of abstracts and an electronic certificate (pdf-format) will be sent to all conference participants by email.
Registration and submission of materials lasts until April 30, 2021.
Rules of participation and requirements for abstracts are given on the conference website

Competition from MEDICINA magazine with 1000 CHF prize fund
For those who defended a candidate's dissertation / dissertation for obtaining Ph.D. Degree in the period from September 1 2020 to August 31, 2021
Deadline filing before October 1, 2021

Rectorate, Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists, Coordinating Council for Scientific Work of Students, Student Council of Zaporizhia State Medical University invite to participate in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation "Modern aspects of medicine and pharmacy21 », Which will take place on April 15-16, 2021 (on-line) at the Zaporizhia State Medical University (UkrINTEI certificate 3 163 dated 12.02.2021).
Form of participation in the conference: oral presentation on-line on the basis of the MS Teams platform with publication of abstracts in the electronic collection of conference materials.
Publication of abstracts is free.
To participate in the conference until April 9, 2021 to the Organizing Committee are sent by e-mail: electronic version of theses and a scanned copy of theses signed by the head of the department, as well as an electronic questionnaire (Appendix 1) at: zsmu.conference@gmail.com
More details - in the information letter.

Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing of the National Pharmaceutical University
Invites to participate in the XIII scientific and practical Internet conference "Pharmacoeconomics in Ukraine: state and prospects of development",
What will happen on May 21, 2021,
With free participation and free publication of materials (theses, articles).
The extreme time of acceptance of materials - until 23:59 May 14, 2021.
All details (directions of work, requirements for materials, contacts, etc.) in the informational letter.
The Council of Young Scientists has been inviting you on May 11-14, 2021, we dedict to the online work of the All-Ukrainian School of the Microbiologist dedicated to the Day of Science.
Passing a course of a young scientist-microbiologist you are:
Visit more than 20 lectures from professional microbiologists from 9 scientific institutions and higher educational institutions;
Treated basic skills for microbiological research, and not only, on more than 10 practical classes;
Will receive a number of advice from a practicing psychologist, regarding the prevention of professional combustion;
Find out the topical opportunities for young scientists (competitions, premiums, scholarships);
Pretect new acquaintances with people are thirsty;
Get a participant's certificate for school passage!
Sign up for participation in the All-Ukrainian School of the Young Scientist-Microbiolog possible by May 07, 2021, at the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/165fl1vr-6jjpyswqgyo0gl-ncja7axoo0gl-ncja7Axr3jzrvvz_jqdk/edit.
Follow the announcements https://www.facebook.com/groups/897444383761187
Accession link to the event will be sent in 24 hours.
Only registered participants will receive links to join.

The Council of Young Scientists of the National University of Health of Ukraine named after P. L. Shupika (renamed National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Shupik) has a honor to invite students, masters, interns, postgraduates and young scientists to take part in a scientific and practical conference with international The participation of "Young Science 3. 0" (for young scientists), which will take place on March 26, 2021 in accordance with the approved MOH of Ukraine by the Register of Congresses, Congresses, Symposiums and Scientific and Practical Conferences, which will be held in 2021.
The term of delivery of materials for publication in the collection, the topic of the report and the topic of the poster report until March 18, 2021.
Mandatory! Registration form of the conference participant by link: https://forms.gle/x4r5rp4habr5cogla
An information letter is attached to the requirements for the design of abstracts, postpedes and presentations.
For all questions, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee nuzia named after P. L. Shupik:
Augunas Sabina, tel.: +38 (099) 484-53-36, e-mail: saugunas159@gmail.com

The Organizing Committee of the Scientific and Practical Conference, guided by the slogan "Healthy Family - Healthy Country", has the honor to invite you to participate in a scientific event dedicated to the problems of today - "Health and healthy living: from plant to person." The conference is included in the "Register of Congresses, Congresses, Symposiums, Scientific and Practical Conferences, Scientific Seminars and Plenums, which will be held in 2021" MES of Ukraine "(Certificate of MES of Ukraine from 02.02.2021, No. 144).
The conference will be held on April 16-17, 2021 from 9.00 to 17.00 at the Tavriya National University named after VI Vernadsky at the address: Kyiv, street John McCain, 33 (Peoples' Friendship Metro), assembly hall.
The purpose of the Conference is to discuss the current state of complementary / alternative (folk and non-traditional) medicine (hereinafter - NHM) in Ukraine and the world as a single holistic medical direction, and individual methods and practices in the context of human health, healthy lifestyle.
We invite you to participate in the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students "Scientific achievements and discoveries of modern youth", which is timed to the 100th anniversary of Donetsk National Technical University and will take place on April 28, 2021.
SECTION 1 - "Mathematical modeling and computer information technology".
SECTION 2 - "Modern engineering, chemical and environmental technologies."
SECTION 3 - "Problems and prospects for the development of modern economics and humanities."
SECTION 4 - "Problems and prospects for the development of mining, geology and mining and construction complex."
To participate in the conference you need to fill out the registration form by April 23, 2021 (inclusive) at https://forms.gle/ZHWYxF5CEVbqjG7a9
More details on the website: https://donntu.edu.ua/centconf

We invite you to take part in the XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Topical Issues of New Medicines Development, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of M.O. Valykka (UKRINTEI ID NO 840 dated 14.12.2020), which will be held in Kharkiv on the basis of the National Pharmaceutical University on March 18-19, 2021.
To participate in the conference it is necessary to fill out an electronic registration form to the mandatory attachment of abstracts in .docx format until March 10, 2021. The results of registration and reception of materials can be tracked by reference.

Society of Young Scientists and Specialists of the National Medical University named after OO Bogomolets sincerely invites you to participate in the XIII scientific-practical conference with international participation "Special issues of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, craniofacial area and visual organ", which will take place on March 18-19, 2021.
Detailed information is given in the information message.

The 90th anniversary international scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Innovations in Medicine and Pharmacy" will take place at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University on March 25-27. Due to quarantine restrictions, the scientific forum will be held online.
Conference participants will present their reports at the meetings of 19 sections. All of them will begin their work simultaneously on Thursday, March 25, at 14:00.
Traditionally, the organizers have prepared a number of master classes for students and young scientists. This year there will be as many as 10 of them, some of which will be broadcast in English. They will take place on Friday, March 26.

The Council of the Student Scientific Society of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy invites you to take part in the 2nd International Student Scientific Conference "International Medical Students Conference in Poltava (IMEDSCOP) 2021", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy and will take place on March 25-26, 2021 in online format.
Registration at the link: https://sntumsa.pl.ua/uk/imedscop2021

The Council of Young Scientists of the Bukovina State Medical University invites students, interns, postgraduates and young scientists to take part in the VIII International Medical Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists "BIMCO 2021", which will take place on April 6, 2021
For participation in the congress, it is necessary to go online registration on the website until January 31, 2021:
Details in an informational letter

The Council of Young Scientists of Podolsk Special Educational and Rehabilitation Socio-Economic College invites you to take part in the Scientific and Practical Forum "The contribution of young scientists to the socio-economic development of the Western region", which will take place on February 25, 2021 in on-line format.
Based on the results of the forum, it is planned to publish a collection of abstracts in electronic form. All forum participants will receive electronic certificates.
Participation in the forum is FREE.

Online Seminar for Scientists on Google Instruments in Scientific Research and Publications (Google Academy, Google Public Data, Google Cloud Platform, ..)
Time: November 19, the beginning at 14:00.
Previous Registration:
More in the event program.

Competition for the Annual Kostyuk Prize, provided by the Platon Kostyuk Foundation by the Scientific Society named after Shevchenko in America
All documentation must be provided electronically. Send the application as one attached file (surname.pdf) to kostyuk.award@gmail.com by November 16, 2020
More details in the information letter and at the link:

DAAD Scholarship Programs for Ukraine for Students, Postgraduates, Teachers and Scientists
Details in the information letter and the link:

X International Internet Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Glukhiv Scientific Reading - 2020. Topical issues of social and humanities", which will take place on December 9-11, 2020 in the Glukhov National Pedagogical University named after Alexander Dovzhenko.
Materials and application of the participant to send until 20.11.2020.
Details in an informational letter

The National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine holds an "Annual competition for the best monograph, textbook, textbook, fiction and scientific works of young scientists and students"
The deadline for submission of bids and accompanying documents is 15.11.2020.
More details in the information letter

Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine invites to take part in the XIV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists with international participation "Topical issues of clinical medicine"
The conference will take place on November 20, 2020 remotely in the ONLINE video conference mode.
The deadline for submission of materials for publication is November 9, 2020.
More details in the information letter

The Council of Young Scientists of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Shupik invites students, interns, postgraduates and young scientists to take part in the scientific and practical conference with international participation «Young Science 2. 0» (online mode) that will take place on November 20 In 2020. In accordance with the approved Ministry of Health of Ukraine by the Register of Congresses, Congresses, Symposiums and Scientific and Practical Conferences, which will be held in 2020.
The term of submission of materials for publication in the collection, the topic of the report and the topic of the poster report until November 06.
Details in an informational letter

WHO announces a competition for a prize for scientific achievements for providing medical assistance and promoting health strengthening
Details in an informational letter

Invitation to participate in International Webinar
"On the way to Scopus, Web of Science and Specialized Bibliographic Databases" which will take place
October 27, 2020, 15.00-18.00 in ZOOM program.
Details in an informational letter

State nominal scholarships by the best young scientist to perpetuate the events of the revolution of dignity and honoring the feat of the heroes of Ukraine - Heroes of Heavenly Hundreds
Wishing to take part in the competition until 26.10.2020. Submit documents on rmv@tdmu.edu.ua
Details in an informational letter